
Name Description Date
IMDB Data - SQL Postgres - SQL Queries 2022-03-12
IMDB Data - NoSQL MongoDb - NoSQL Queries 2022-03-12
Prefectures of Greece: Fuel Prices Python - Web Scaping, Pdf Scraping, Exploratory Analysis, Interactive ML Dashboard 2022-10-03
OWID Renewables Energy Python - Exploratory Analysis 2022-10-19
Unsupervised Clustering Python - Kmeans, Birtch, Agglomerative 2022-10-19
KFold Cross Validation Python - Continuation of Unsupervised Clustering 2022-10-19
Analysis of AIS Data SQL - Queries in Postgres
Python - Analysis using Geopandas and MovingPandas
Loan Default Prediction Python - Exploratory Analysis and Logistic Regression Analysis 2022-09-20
Time Series Forecasting Python - MLP, RNN, Theta, Holt, SES, Naive 2022-10-08
FlightForecast Python - Streamlit machine learning application (MSc Thesis) 2023-03-20
Sentiment Analysis Python - Web Scraping, AWS Translate, AWS Comprehend 2023-10-19
DaskS3CDC Python - Dask, AWS S3 2023-12-06
ChronoVault Python - Streamlit, AWS S3 2024-02-15
Encrypto Python - Streamlit, Goodle Drive 2024-03-11